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* system na inny typ procesora,
* chcesz zaproponować nowe funkcje.

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coś jest wyświetlane niewłaściwie lub nie działa w twojej przeglądarce.

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Twoje uwagi posłużą do ulepszenia systemu DioneOS.

Wiadomości o DioneOS

Pelna weryfikacja wersji systemu dla ARM Cortex-M3


Wersja dla ARM Cortex-M3 zostala przetestowana automa- tycznie (pelne pokrycie kodu testami: wszystkie funkcje, makra, linie kodu, warunki itd.). Testy przeprowadzono na STM32L162.

DioneOS na ARM Cortex-M3


Wersja systemu DioneOS dla procesora ARM Cortex-M3 zostala opracowana.

Wstep do wielowatkowosci


'Wstep do wielowatkowosci' zostal dodany do sekcji prezentacji

Obsluga maszyn stanowych


Dodano infrastrukture do obslugi maszyn stanowych: kontrola przeplywu zdarzen, kolejki, przelaczanie stanow. Zdefiniowano wzorzec kodowania maszyn stanowych.

Texas Instruments Developer Network


Firma ELESOFTROM przystapila do programu 'Texas Instruments MCU Developer Network'. Program skupia firmy zajmujace sie oprogramowaniem dla mikro-kontrolerow Texas Instruments oraz swiadczeniem profesjo-nalnych uslug w tej dziedzinie.

Wersja dla zwyklego MSP430


Dodano mozliwosc kompilacji systemu na zwyky MSP430 oraz 'small code model'.

Wersja systemu DioneOS dla MSP430x


Pierwsza wersja systemu DioneOS. System obsluguje architekture MSP430x oraz 'large code model'.

Przykładowy raport z testów

Wykonano na STM32L162, fosc=32MHz.

TEST: os_debug
Nb of tests performed: 9 from 9 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: checking interrupts (if are enabled)
[OK] Test 2: call of os_bug exeption ... reported exception: (13) OS_BUG_TESTING
[OK] Test 3: checking interrupts (if has been disabled)
[OK] Test 4: os_bug checking os_bug_at_pc
[OK] Test 5: checking interrupts (if are enabled)
[OK] Test 6: macro OS_BUG_A ... reported exception: (14) OS_BUG_TESTING_A
[OK] Test 7: checking interrupts (if has been disabled)
[OK] Test 8: macro OS_BUG_A checking os_bug_at_pc
[LA?] Test 9: testing pin control
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.55.05 :: 2013-11-12_18.55.25
Verifying signals in LA recording
[OK] Pattern correct, found 6 edges

TEST: os_debug-2
Nb of tests performed: 1 from 1 [OK]
[LA?] Test 1: testing pin control
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.55.25 :: 2013-11-12_18.55.43
Verifying signals in LA recording
[OK] Pattern correct, found 6 edges

TEST: os_envelope
Nb of tests performed: 14 from 14 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 2: os_schedule_run switching to the thread ->0
[OK] Test 3: critical section, checking if ISR was before section
[OK] Test 4: critical section, checking if ISR was after section
[OK] Test 5: critical section, checking if no ISR was inside section
[OK] Test 6: critical section, checking if ISR was before nested section
[OK] Test 7: critical section, checking if ISR was after nested section
[OK] Test 8: critical section, checking if no ISR was inside nested section
[OK] Test 9: critical section in ISR, checking if another ISR was before section
[OK] Test 10: critical section in ISR, checking if another ISR was after section
[OK] Test 11: critical section in ISR, checking if no other ISR was inside section
[OK] Test 12: critical section in ISR, checking if another ISR was before nested section
[OK] Test 13: critical section in ISR, checking if another ISR was after nested section
[OK] Test 14: critical section in ISR, checking if no other ISR was inside nested section
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.55.43 :: 2013-11-12_18.55.57

TEST: os_list1
Nb of tests performed: 12 from 12 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_list1_item/content
[OK] Test 2: os_list1_is_empty for empty list
[OK] Test 3: os_list1_insert for empty list
[OK] Test 4: os_list1_is_empty for non-empty list
[OK] Test 5: os_list1_is_last for last item
[OK] Test 6: os_list1_insert after last
[OK] Test 7: os_list1_insert at the begining, for non-empty list
[OK] Test 8: os_list1_is_last for non-last item
[OK] Test 9: os_list1_insert after first, before last
[OK] Test 10: os_list1_del first item
[OK] Test 11: os_list1_del before last
[OK] Test 12: os_list1_del last
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.55.57 :: 2013-11-12_18.56.10

TEST: os_list1-with-poison
Nb of tests performed: 12 from 12 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_list1_item/content
[OK] Test 2: os_list1_is_empty for empty list
[OK] Test 3: os_list1_insert for empty list
[OK] Test 4: os_list1_is_empty for non-empty list
[OK] Test 5: os_list1_is_last for last item
[OK] Test 6: os_list1_insert after last
[OK] Test 7: os_list1_insert at the begining, for non-empty list
[OK] Test 8: os_list1_is_last for non-last item
[OK] Test 9: os_list1_insert after first, before last
[OK] Test 10: os_list1_del (_mark) first item
[OK] Test 11: os_list1_del (_mark) before last
[OK] Test 12: os_list1_del (_mark) last
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.56.10 :: 2013-11-12_18.56.22

TEST: os_mempool
Nb of tests performed: 15 from 15 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: mem_pool_ptr_is_valid
[OK] Test 2: os_mem_pool_create check when no memory
[OK] Test 3: os_mem_pool_create check of desc. fields (cap%16!=0)
[OK] Test 4: os_mem_pool_create check of desc. fields (cap%16=0)
[OK] Test 5: os_mem_pool_create check if items are filled with poison-code
[OK] Test 6: os_mem_pool_create check if index is initialized with zeros
[OK] Test 7: _os_mem_pool_destroy if detects null pointer in index field
[OK] Test 8: _os_mem_pool_destroy correct destroy
[OK] Test 9: _os_mem_pool_destroy if detects undeleted items
[OK] Test 10: _os_mem_pool_destroy if detects null pointer in pool field
[OK] Test 11: free_index_bit full test, except 0xFFFF
[OK] Test 12: _os_mem_pool_alloc allocation and zeroing test
[OK] Test 13: _os_mem_pool_alloc detection of full partition
[OK] Test 14: _os_mem_pool_free proper items release
[OK] Test 15: _os_mem_pool_free trial of double release, ... reported exception: (7) OS_BUG_DBL_FREE
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.56.22 :: 2013-11-12_18.56.35

TEST: os_mempool-2
Nb of tests performed: 15 from 15 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: mem_pool_ptr_is_valid
[OK] Test 2: os_mem_pool_create check when no memory
[OK] Test 3: os_mem_pool_create check of desc. fields (cap%16!=0)
[OK] Test 4: os_mem_pool_create check of desc. fields (cap%16=0)
[OK] Test 5: os_mem_pool_create check if items are marked with posion-code
[OK] Test 6: os_mem_pool_create check if index is initialized with zeros
[OK] Test 7: _os_mem_pool_destroy if detects null pointer in index field
[OK] Test 8: _os_mem_pool_destroy correct destroy
[OK] Test 9: _os_mem_pool_destroy if detects undeleted items
[OK] Test 10: _os_mem_pool_destroy if detects null pointer in pool field
[OK] Test 11: free_index_bit full test, except 0xFFFF
[OK] Test 12: _os_mem_pool_alloc allocation and zeroing mark test
[OK] Test 13: _os_mem_pool_alloc detection of full partition
[OK] Test 14: _os_mem_pool_free proper items release
[OK] Test 15: _os_mem_pool_free trial of invalid pointer, ... reported exception: (8) OS_BUG_INVALID_PTR
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.56.35 :: 2013-11-12_18.56.47

TEST: os_mempool-env
Nb of tests performed: 17 from 17 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: mem_pool_ptr_is_valid
[OK] Test 2: os_mem_pool_create check when no memory
[OK] Test 3: os_mem_pool_create check of desc. fields (cap%16!=0)
[OK] Test 4: os_mem_pool_create check of desc. fields (cap%16=0)
[OK] Test 5: os_mem_pool_create check if items are filled with poison-code
[OK] Test 6: os_mem_pool_create check if index is initialized with zeros
[OK] Test 7: thread creation, following tests will be in thread context
[OK] Test 8: scheduler start and switch to the thread
[OK] Test 9: os_mem_pool_destroy if detects null pointer in index field
[OK] Test 10: os_mem_pool_destroy correct destroy
[OK] Test 11: os_mem_pool_destroy if detects undeleted items
[OK] Test 12: os_mem_pool_destroy if detects null pointer in pool field
[OK] Test 13: free_index_bit full test, except 0xFFFF
[OK] Test 14: os_mem_pool_alloc allocation and zeroing test
[OK] Test 15: os_mem_pool_alloc detection of full partition
[OK] Test 16: os_mem_pool_free proper items release
[OK] Test 17: os_mem_pool_free trial of double release, ... reported exception: (7) OS_BUG_DBL_FREE
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.56.47 :: 2013-11-12_18.57.00

TEST: os_mutex
Nb of tests performed: 16 from 16 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 2: os_mutex_init checking fields initialization
[OK] Test 3: os_schedule_run switching to the thread ->0
[OK] Test 4: os_mutex_get checking regular get
[OK] Test 5: os_mutex_get second regular get
[OK] Test 6: os_mutex_get checking detection of counter overflow ... reported exception: (1) OS_BUG_OVERFLOW
[OK] Test 7: os_mutex_get checking detection of lockup condition ... reported exception: (2) OS_BUG_LOCK
[OK] Test 8: os_mutex_get/release checking context switch due to mutex lock
[OK] Test 9: os_mutex_release checking detection of release by non-owner ... reported exception: (4) OS_BUG_MUTEX_BAD_RELEASE
[OK] Test 10: os_mutex_release checking regular release
[OK] Test 11: os_mutex_release checking bad release (on not locked, broken mutex) ... reported exception: (5) OS_BUG_MUTEX
[OK] Test 12: os_mutex_tryget checking detection of locked mutex
[OK] Test 13: os_mutex_tryget checking detection of counter overflow ... reported exception: (1) OS_BUG_OVERFLOW
[OK] Test 14: os_mutex_tryget checking regular get
[OK] Test 15: os_mutex_release checking nested release (still locked)
[OK] Test 16: os_mutex_release checking nested release and ctx switch to waiting thread
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.57.00 :: 2013-11-12_18.57.14

TEST: os_ringbuffer
Nb of tests performed: 7 from 7 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: _os_ringbuf_create correct creation
[OK] Test 2: _os_ringbuf_items
[OK] Test 3: _os_ringbuf_add testing items addition
[OK] Test 4: _os_ringbuf_add testing detection of full buffer
[OK] Test 5: _os_ringbuf_get testing items getting
[OK] Test 6: _os_ringbuf_get testing detection of empty buffer
[OK] Test 7: _os_ringbuf_create no memory detection
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.57.14 :: 2013-11-12_18.57.26

TEST: os_ringbuffer-env
Nb of tests performed: 9 from 9 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: creating thread
[OK] Test 2: switiching to the thread, next test are in thread context
[OK] Test 3: os_ringbuf_create correct creation
[OK] Test 4: os_ringbuf_items
[OK] Test 5: os_ringbuf_add testing items addition
[OK] Test 6: os_ringbuf_add testing detection of full buffer
[OK] Test 7: os_ringbuf_get testing items getting
[OK] Test 8: os_ringbuf_get testing detection of empty buffer
[OK] Test 9: os_ringbuf_create no memory detection
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.57.27 :: 2013-11-12_18.57.39

TEST: os_ringbuffer_ev
Nb of tests performed: 8 from 8 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: _os_ringbuf_create_ev correct creation
[OK] Test 2: _os_ringbuf_items_ev
[OK] Test 3: _os_ringbuf_add_ev testing items addition
[OK] Test 4: _os_ringbuf_add_ev testing detection of full buffer
[OK] Test 5: _os_ringbuf_get_ev testing items getting
[OK] Test 6: _os_ringbuf_get_ev testing detection of empty buffer
[OK] Test 7: _os_ringbuf_clear_ev testing clear capability
[OK] Test 8: _os_ringbuf_create_ev no memory detection
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.57.39 :: 2013-11-12_18.57.51

TEST: os_ringbuffer_ev-env
Nb of tests performed: 10 from 10 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: creating thread for following tests
[OK] Test 2: switching to the thread, next test are run in thread context
[OK] Test 3: os_ringbuf_create_ev correct creation
[OK] Test 4: os_ringbuf_items_ev
[OK] Test 5: os_ringbuf_add_ev testing items addition
[OK] Test 6: os_ringbuf_add_ev testing detection of full buffer
[OK] Test 7: os_ringbuf_get_ev testing items getting
[OK] Test 8: os_ringbuf_get_ev testing detection of empty buffer
[OK] Test 9: os_ringbuf_clear_ev testing clear capability
[OK] Test 10: os_ringbuf_create_ev no memory detection
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.57.51 :: 2013-11-12_18.58.04

TEST: os_scheduler
Nb of tests performed: 14 from 14 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_schedule_init cheking PendSV irq priority
[OK] Test 2: trying to invoke interrupt
[OK] Test 3: OS_DINT_SAVE checking critical section entry, interrupts blocking check
[OK] Test 4: OS_DINT_SAVE/RESTORE checking nesting
[OK] Test 5: OS_INT_RESTORE checking if balanced calls enable interrupts
[OK] Test 6: OS_INT_RESTORE checking detection of unbalanced call ... reported exception: (12) OS_BUG_DINT_INVALID
[OK] Test 7: os_schedule_run test for running without threads created
[OK] Test 8: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 9: os_schedule_run switching to the thread
[OK] Test 10: checking argument passing for the thread
[OK] Test 11: checking if os_bug is invoked when exits from the thread ... reported exception: (3) OS_BUG_THREAD_FUN_EXIT
[OK] Test 12: returned code from main thread function
[OK] Test 13: os_preempt_disable/os_schedule check when preemption is disabled
[OK] Test 14: os_schedule checking detection of preempt-lock ... reported exception: (9) OS_BUG_PREEMPT_LOCK
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.58.04 :: 2013-11-12_18.58.17

TEST: os_scheduler-2
Nb of tests performed: 11 from 11 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 2: checking enum size
[OK] Test 3: os_schedule_run switching to the thread ->0
[OK] Test 4: os_schedule switching to another thread 0->1
[OK] Test 5: os_schedule checking registers restore (th.0, called outside critical sec)
[OK] Test 6: os_schedule checking if thread state is changed from RUNNING to READY
[OK] Test 7: os_schedule checking if thread state is left unchanged when <> RUNNING
[OK] Test 8: os_schedule checking if running_threads is properly modified
[OK] Test 9: os_schedule returning to thread 0 (switching 1->0)
[OK] Test 10: os_schedule checking registers restore (th.1, called from critical sec)
[OK] Test 11: os_schedule checking detection of invalid dint_counter ... reported exception: (12) OS_BUG_DINT_INVALID
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.58.17 :: 2013-11-12_18.58.31

TEST: os_scheduler-3
Nb of tests performed: 11 from 11 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 2: os_schedule_run switching to the thread ->0
[OK] Test 3: os_schedule, pendsv entry, preemption disabled, checking isr call
[OK] Test 4: os_schedule, pendsv entry, preemption disabled, checking ignoring scheduling
[OK] Test 5: os_schedule, pendsv entry, preemption disabled, registers unchanged
[OK] Test 6: os_schedule, pendsv entry, preemption enabled, no ready threads, checking isr call
[OK] Test 7: os_schedule, pendsv entry, preemption enabled, no ready threads, test of ignoring scheduling
[OK] Test 8: os_schedule, pendsv entry, preemption enabled, no ready threads, registers unchanged
[OK] Test 9: os_schedule, pendsv entry, preemption enabled, checking isr call
[OK] Test 10: os_schedule, pendsv entry, preemption enabled, checking scheduling and switch (0->1)
[OK] Test 11: os_schedule, pendsv entry, preemption enabled, registers unchanged
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.58.31 :: 2013-11-12_18.58.44

TEST: os_scheduler-4
Nb of tests performed: 31 from 31 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 2: os_schedule_run switching to the thread ->0
[OK] Test 3: isr, pendsv sequence (both pending in another isr) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 4: isr, pendsv sequence (both pending in another isr) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 5: isr, pendsv sequence (both pending in another isr) checking context switch by pendsv
[OK] Test 6: isr, pendsv sequence (both pending in another isr) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 7: isr, pendsv sequence (both pending in another isr) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 8: isr, pendsv sequence (both pending in another isr) checking isr return location
[OK] Test 9: isr, pendsv sequence (both pending in another isr) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 10: isr, pendsv sequence (both pending in another isr) checking nb of pendsv
[OK] Test 11: isr, pendsv sequence (both pending in another isr) checking nb of ctx switch
[OK] Test 12: isr, pendsv sequence (both pending in another isr) checking pendsv/ctx before isr
[OK] Test 13: isr, pendsv sequence (A.1 case: both pending, 2nd req in isr) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 14: isr, pendsv sequence (A.1 case: both pending, 2nd req in isr) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 15: isr, pendsv sequence (A.1 case: both pending, 2nd req in isr) checking context switch by pendsv
[OK] Test 16: isr, pendsv sequence (A.1 case: both pending, 2nd req in isr) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 17: isr, pendsv sequence (A.1 case: both pending, 2nd req in isr) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 18: isr, pendsv sequence (A.1 case: both pending, 2nd req in isr) checking isr return location
[OK] Test 19: isr, pendsv sequence (A.1 case: both pending, 2nd req in isr) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 20: isr, pendsv sequence (A.1 case: both pending, 2nd req in isr) checking nb of pendsv
[OK] Test 21: isr, pendsv sequence (A.1 case: both pending, 2nd req in isr) checking nb of ctx switch
[OK] Test 22: isr, pendsv sequence (A.1 case: both pending, 2nd req in isr) checking pendsv/ctx before isr
[OK] Test 23: isr, pendsv sequence (comparison A and A.1) checking if is the same
[OK] Test 24: isr, pendsv sequence (B case: pendsv req durring isr) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 25: isr, pendsv sequence (B case: pendsv req durring isr) checking context switch by pendsv
[OK] Test 26: isr, pendsv sequence (B case: pendsv req durring isr) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 27: isr, pendsv sequence (B case: pendsv req durring isr) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 28: isr, pendsv sequence (B case: pendsv req durring isr) checking isr return location
[OK] Test 29: isr, pendsv sequence (B case: pendsv req durring isr) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 30: isr, pendsv sequence (B case: pendsv req durring isr) checking nb of pendsv
[OK] Test 31: isr, pendsv sequence (B case: pendsv req durring isr) checking nb of ctx switch
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.58.44 :: 2013-11-12_18.58.58

TEST: os_scheduler-5
Nb of tests performed: 45 from 45 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 2: os_schedule_run switching to the thread ->0
[OK] Test 3: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=1 ) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 4: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=1 ) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 5: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=1 ) checking context switched to ->1
[OK] Test 6: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=1 ) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 7: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=1 ) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 8: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=1 ) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 9: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=1 ) checking nb of pendsv calls
[OK] Test 10: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=1 ) checking nb of context switch calls
[OK] Test 11: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=2 ) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 12: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=2 ) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 13: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=2 ) checking context switched to ->1
[OK] Test 14: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=2 ) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 15: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=2 ) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 16: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=2 ) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 17: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=2 ) checking nb of pendsv calls
[OK] Test 18: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=2 ) checking nb of context switch calls
[OK] Test 19: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=3 ) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 20: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=3 ) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 21: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=3 ) checking context switched to ->1
[OK] Test 22: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=3 ) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 23: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=3 ) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 24: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=3 ) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 25: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=3 ) checking nb of pendsv calls
[OK] Test 26: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=3 ) checking nb of context switch calls
[OK] Test 27: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=4 ) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 28: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=4 ) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 29: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=4 ) checking context switched to ->1
[OK] Test 30: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=4 ) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 31: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=4 ) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 32: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=4 ) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 33: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=4 ) checking nb of pendsv calls
[OK] Test 34: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=4 ) checking nb of context switch calls
[OK] Test 35: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=5 ) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 36: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=5 ) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 37: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=5 ) checking context switched to ->1
[OK] Test 38: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=5 ) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 39: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=5 ) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 40: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=5 ) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 41: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=5 ) checking nb of pendsv calls
[OK] Test 42: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case, delay=5 ) checking nb of context switch calls
[OK] Test 43: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case) checking test case isr before PendSV when both pending
[OK] Test 44: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case) checking test case isr after context switch
[OK] Test 45: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1 case) checking late-arrival and sequence of cases
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.58.58 :: 2013-11-12_18.59.12

TEST: os_scheduler-6
Nb of tests performed: 45 from 45 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 2: os_schedule_run switching to the thread ->0
[OK] Test 3: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=1 ) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 4: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=1 ) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 5: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=1 ) checking context switched to ->1
[OK] Test 6: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=1 ) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 7: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=1 ) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 8: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=1 ) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 9: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=1 ) checking nb of pendsv calls
[OK] Test 10: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=1 ) checking nb of context switch calls
[OK] Test 11: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=2 ) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 12: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=2 ) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 13: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=2 ) checking context switched to ->1
[OK] Test 14: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=2 ) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 15: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=2 ) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 16: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=2 ) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 17: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=2 ) checking nb of pendsv calls
[OK] Test 18: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=2 ) checking nb of context switch calls
[OK] Test 19: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=3 ) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 20: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=3 ) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 21: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=3 ) checking context switched to ->1
[OK] Test 22: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=3 ) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 23: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=3 ) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 24: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=3 ) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 25: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=3 ) checking nb of pendsv calls
[OK] Test 26: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=3 ) checking nb of context switch calls
[OK] Test 27: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=4 ) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 28: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=4 ) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 29: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=4 ) checking context switched to ->1
[OK] Test 30: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=4 ) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 31: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=4 ) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 32: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=4 ) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 33: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=4 ) checking nb of pendsv calls
[OK] Test 34: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=4 ) checking nb of context switch calls
[OK] Test 35: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=5 ) checking if main isr was active
[OK] Test 36: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=5 ) checking if isr was active
[OK] Test 37: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=5 ) checking context switched to ->1
[OK] Test 38: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=5 ) checking registers contents
[OK] Test 39: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=5 ) checking if timeout was not generated
[OK] Test 40: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=5 ) checking sequence order
[OK] Test 41: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=5 ) checking nb of pendsv calls
[OK] Test 42: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case, delay=5 ) checking nb of context switch calls
[OK] Test 43: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case) checking test case isr before PendSV when both pending
[OK] Test 44: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case) checking test case isr after context switch
[OK] Test 45: isr, pendsv sequence (C.1.1 case) checking late-arrival and sequence of cases
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.59.12 :: 2013-11-12_18.59.26

TEST: os_scheduler-7
Nb of tests performed: 17 from 17 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 2: os_schedule_run switching to the thread ->0
[OK] Test 3: os_preempt_disable checking reporting previous state (when was enabled)
[OK] Test 4: os_preempt_disable checking if further scheduling will not preempt thread
[OK] Test 5: os_preempt_enable checking if triggers ctx switch
[OK] Test 6: os_preempt_enable checking if further scheduling will preempt thread
[OK] Test 7: os_preempt_disable in interrupt, checking if interrupt handler was executed
[OK] Test 8: os_preempt_disable in interrupt, checking reporting previous state (when was enabled)
[OK] Test 9: os_preempt_disable in interrupt, checking if interrupt handler was executed
[OK] Test 10: os_preempt_disable in interrupt, checking if preemption not happened at exit
[OK] Test 11: os_preempt_disable in interrupt, checking if interrupt handler was executed
[OK] Test 12: os_preempt_enable_intr in interrupt, checking if enables preemption and triggers it
[OK] Test 13: os_preempt_disable in interrupt, checking if interrupt handler was executed
[OK] Test 14: os_preempt_enable_intr in interrupt, checking if further preemption is executed
[OK] Test 15: os_preempt_disable in interrupt, checking if interrupt handler was executed
[OK] Test 16: os_preempt_disable in interrupt, checking reporting previous state (when was disabled)
[OK] Test 17: os_preempt_disable, checking reporting previous state (when was disabled)
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.59.26 :: 2013-11-12_18.59.40

TEST: os_semaphore
Nb of tests performed: 27 from 27 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_timers_init/tick_cnt checking timer module state after initialization
[OK] Test 2: os_sema_init checking initialization with counter = 0
[OK] Test 3: os_sema_init checking initialization with counter = 1
[OK] Test 4: os_sema_init checking initialization with counter = -128
[OK] Test 5: os_sema_init checking initialization with counter = 127
[OK] Test 6: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 7: os_schedule_run switching to the thread ->0
[OK] Test 8: os_sema_tryget checking detection of waiting condition
[OK] Test 9: os_sema_tryget checking semaphire succesing down operation
[OK] Test 10: os_sema_post checking detection of overflow ... reported exception: (1) OS_BUG_OVERFLOW
[OK] Test 11: os_sema_post checking cnt=-1, waiting thread
[OK] Test 12: os_sema_post checking cnt=0, empty waiting list
[OK] Test 13: os_sema_post checking cnt=0, context switch
[OK] Test 14: os_sema_post_intr checking cnt=0, context switch
[OK] Test 15: os_sema_wait checking cnt=0, lock detection ... reported exception: (2) OS_BUG_LOCK
[OK] Test 16: os_sema_wait checking cnt=-128, overflow detection ... reported exception: (1) OS_BUG_OVERFLOW
[OK] Test 17: os_sema_wait cnt=1, checking counter decrement
[OK] Test 18: os_sema_wait_timeouted cnt=1, tm=100, checking counter decrement
[OK] Test 19: os_sema_wait_timeouted cnt=0, tm=100, ctx switch check
[OK] Test 20: os_sema_wait_timeouted/timeot_cb cnt=0, tm=10, timeout test
[OK] Test 21: os_sema_wait_timeouted cnt=0, tm=10, timeout value test
[OK] Test 22: os_sleep on disabled preemption, detection test ... reported exception: (2) OS_BUG_LOCK
[OK] Test 23: os_sleep with tm=0, detection test ... reported exception: (2) OS_BUG_LOCK
[OK] Test 24: os_sleep tm=10, ctx switch check
[OK] Test 25: os_sleep tm=10, delay test
[OK] Test 26: os_sema_tryget checking detection of overflow ... reported exception: (1) OS_BUG_OVERFLOW
[OK] Test 27: os_sleep checking detection of incorrect semaphore ... reported exception: (6) OS_BUG_SEMA
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.59.40 :: 2013-11-12_18.59.55

TEST: os_set
Nb of tests performed: 7 from 7 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: empty set check
[OK] Test 2: fast max priority check
[OK] Test 3: full test for all sets
[OK] Test 4: _power_tab/_power_2 test
[OK] Test 5: os_set_is_empty test for empty set
[OK] Test 6: os_set_is_empty test for non-empty set
[OK] Test 7: os_set_add/remove/is compact test
Performed on: 2013-11-12_18.59.55 :: 2013-11-12_19.00.07

TEST: os_set_min()
Nb of tests performed: 3 from 3 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_set_min empty set check
[OK] Test 2: os_set_min fast test of max priority
[OK] Test 3: os_set_min full test for all sets
Performed on: 2013-11-12_19.00.07 :: 2013-11-12_19.00.20

TEST: os_sm_manager
Nb of tests performed: 21 from 21 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: creating main thread
[OK] Test 2: os_sm_manager_init checking initialization
[OK] Test 3: switching to main thread
[OK] Test 4: checking if sm_manager thread was executed
[OK] Test 5: os_sm_manager_sm_activate creating state machine and activating
[OK] Test 6: os_sm_manager_sm_deactivating checking deactivation of single machine
[OK] Test 7: sm_manager thread checking for empty state machine list
[OK] Test 8: os_sm_manager_sm_deactivate trial of removing when list is empty
[OK] Test 9: os_sm_manager_sm_deactivate removing SM that is not first and not next scheduled
[OK] Test 10: os_sm_manager_sm_deactivate removing SM that is not first and is next scheduled
[OK] Test 11: os_sm_manager_sm_deactivate removing SM that is not first nor last and next scheduled
[OK] Test 12: os_sm_manager_send_event/thread checking when SM is next scheduled
[OK] Test 13: os_sm_manager_send_event/thread checking when SM is not next scheduled
[OK] Test 14: os_sm_manager_send_event/thread checking when SM is next scheduled, no wrap
[OK] Test 15: os_sm_manager_send_event/thread checking when SM is not next scheduled, wrap required
[OK] Test 16: os_sm_manager_send_event/thread checking when next scheduled was removed
[OK] Test 17: os_sm_manager_send_event checking detection of event queue full state
[OK] Test 18: os_sm_manager_send_event checking handling multiple events
[OK] Test 19: os_sm_manager_send_event_intr checking single event passing
[OK] Test 20: os_sm_manager_send_event_intr checking dwetection of event queue full state
[OK] Test 21: os_sm_manager_send_event_intr checking handling multiple events
Performed on: 2013-11-12_19.00.20 :: 2013-11-12_19.00.34

TEST: os_state_machine
Nb of tests performed: 10 from 10 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_state_machine_init checking initialization
[OK] Test 2: os_sm_handle_event checking state handler call
[OK] Test 3: os_sm_handle_event checking state transition
[OK] Test 4: os_sm_handle_event checking state handler call
[OK] Test 5: os_sm_handle_event checking if SM remains in the state
[OK] Test 6: os_sm_handle_event checking detection of invalid transition ... reported exception: (11) OS_BUG_SM_INVALID_STATE
[OK] Test 7: os_sm_process_event checking with empty event queue
[OK] Test 8: os_sm_process_event checking event processing from the queue
[OK] Test 9: os_sm_process_event checking if correct handler is called
[OK] Test 10: os_sm_flush/os_sm_process_event checking queue flush
Performed on: 2013-11-12_19.00.34 :: 2013-11-12_19.00.48

TEST: os_threads
Nb of tests performed: 9 from 9 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_thread_init
[OK] Test 2: os_thread_create priority out of range
[OK] Test 3: os_thread_create successful creation, tcb check
[OK] Test 4: os_thread_create successful creation, stack image check
[OK] Test 5: os_thread_create successful creation, internal OS data check
[OK] Test 6: os_thread_create detection of rule of unique priority violation
[OK] Test 7: os_thread_create no memory detection
[OK] Test 8: os_thread_create too much threads detection
[OK] Test 9: os_thread_terminated check if exeption is raised ... reported exception: (3) OS_BUG_THREAD_FUN_EXIT
Performed on: 2013-11-12_19.00.48 :: 2013-11-12_19.01.01

TEST: os_timer
Nb of tests performed: 31 from 31 [OK]
[OK] Test 1: os_timers_init/tick_cnt checking timer module state after initialization
[OK] Test 2: os_timers test if list is empty, checking timer module state after initialization
[OK] Test 3: os_thread_create successful creation
[OK] Test 4: os_schedule_run switching to the thread ->0
[OK] Test 5: os_timers_init/start checking if counter is changing (Timer intr is called)
[OK] Test 6: os_timers_init/start checking 1st period (coarse test)
[OK] Test 7: os_timers_init/start checking period (1st->2nd)
[OK] Test 8: os_timers_stop checking if it stops timers
[OK] Test 9: os_timer_create (1ms one shot) checking return code
[OK] Test 10: checking if timer is fired (callback called) and terminated
[OK] Test 11: checking callback argument passing
[OK] Test 12: checking if terminated timer is removed from list of timers
[OK] Test 13: checking timer expiration time (1ms)
[OK] Test 14: os_timer_create (5ms one shot) checking if was created, fired and terminated
[OK] Test 15: checking if timer is added to list of timers
[OK] Test 16: checking if timer list is marked with posion code
[OK] Test 17: checking if terminated timer is removed from list of timers
[OK] Test 18: checking timer expiration time
[OK] Test 19: os_timer_create (5ms periodic) checking if was created and fired
[OK] Test 20: os_timer_delete checking return code
[OK] Test 21: os_timer_delete checking marking with poison code
[OK] Test 22: os_timer_deelte checking if timer was deleted from list of timers
[OK] Test 23: periodic timer, checking periods
[OK] Test 24: os_timer_create, creating two one shot timers, 1st expires first
[OK] Test 25: checking expiration times
[OK] Test 26: os_timer_create, creating two one shot timers, 2nd expires first
[OK] Test 27: checking expiration times
[OK] Test 28: os_timer_delete trying to delete timer that is not on the list (empty)
[OK] Test 29: os_timer_delete trying to delete timer that is not on the list (1 item)
[OK] Test 30: os_timer_delete trying to delete timer that is not on the list (2 items)
[OK] Test 31: os_timer_delete checking deletion the timers
Performed on: 2013-11-12_19.01.01 :: 2013-11-12_19.01.15