app_specific/arch/cortex-m3/gcc/include/config.h File Reference

Configuration of the system. More...


#define CFG_OS_MAX_THREADS   16
 Defines maximum number of threads.
 define this for testing overflow in semaphore/mutex
 check lock issues due to preemption disabled or empty ready list
 defines initial state of GIE when switches to the thread
 allows marking .next field in list with special pattern during os_list1_del()
 filling pattern for free items in memory pool
 code that is used to mark deleted list items.
 perform a check on semaphore destroy in os_sleep()
 enable location stamp of timer delete, it is useful for determination how timer was deleted (manually or becuse it expired)
 fills unused memory with poison pattern (excl. with CFG_MARK_EMPTY_MEM_POOL)
 marking of empty item with a poison code (excl.CFG_FILL_EMPTY_MEM_POOL )
 new allocated memory from memory pool is filled with zeros (excl. with CFG_MARK_ALLOC_MEM_POOL)
 new allocated memory from memory pool has zero marking (excl. CFG_ZERO_ALLOC_MEM_POOL), only two first bytes.
 enables pointer check in os_mem_pool_free, may detect incorrect pointer or double free
 value of priority for critical section, all intr with priority >= than this are blocked
#define CFG_SYSTICK_PERIOD   32000
 this value controls period of system tick interrupt
#define CFG_SYSTICK_PRIO   0x0e
 value of priority for SysTick interrupt
 controls scheduling on ISR exit. When enabled it is done only when requested, otherwise is done every ISR (NOW ALWAYS enabled)
#define CFG_PENDSV_PRIO   0x0F
 priority of PendSV exception
 controls thread state marking in tcb.state
 adds statistic counters for context switch and pendsv handlers
 uses registers (faster) in gpio signalling instead of CMSIS functions (portable)

Detailed Description

Configuration of the system.

Piotr Romaniuk, (c) ELESOFTROM
1.1 Nov 8, 2013

The file contains definition of the system configuration. Preprocessor symbols that are defined here control compilation of the system code. Some parts and corresponding functionality of the system are compiled conditionally and can be excluded from final release. Also, some byte patterns used for debug support are defined here.

Define Documentation


code that is used to mark deleted list items.

The value written into .next field in list item when it is deleted. Because the value is an invalid RAM address, it can be easily recognized during debug that deleted item is processed.

#define CFG_OS_MAX_THREADS   16

Defines maximum number of threads.

It determines size of tcb table. Set it to number of threads that you use (incl. idle thread). The value must not be larger than 16


adds statistic counters for context switch and pendsv handlers

Two global counters are provided if this symbol is defined: os_sched_stats_ctx - number of context switch, os_sched_stats_pendsv - number of PendSV exception - used for switching context after request in ISR